Art is a reflection of life. I recently watched Gamer, a movie and piece of art reflecting the human condition. The movie, like Golding's Lord of the Flies explores the relationship between the realms of beasts and higher life-forms, or more appropriately the struggle all humans have with being both beasts and higher life-forms.
Golding guides the reader through this struggle by transporting the reader to a mysterious island untouched by such concepts as ethics and morality, good and evil. Some of the boys escape reality by donning masks - a disconnect between the id and super-ego. Let us assume for my purposes that the super-ego is established through socialization rather than some inherent or God-given quality. Although I believe that socialization is a God-given instrument designed for the sole purpose of developing the individual super-ego.
Gamer examines the internal human battle through the use of games, ever-evolving real-world fantasies accessible to all rather than an individual dream-scape of ink and paper, finite and dated. I speculate that the game World of Warcraft generates more revenue in one year than Lord of the Flies has produced since it's first printing.
The success of games is that they provide the opportunity to escape the real world and live vicariously through an virtual persona. This persona, I believe, is an accurate depiction of an individual's id. Since the gaming community, particularly RPG's and MMO's (and, of course, MMORPG's), accepts and embraces both good and evil the id is allowed to romp freely.
In the movie a player controls all actions of a real person who has voluntarily traded his/her civil liberties for money and literally mindless slavery. The players in the movie are responsible for maintaining their playee much like The Sims 3. The writer/directors of Gamer, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, delve into the consequences of freeing the id as the players delve into despicable depths of depravity in a world where real and virtual have lost meaning. The "real" people are virtual sociopaths restricted to the confines of their audio-visual cocoons whereas the real virtual people are condemned to continuous drugs, sex, and violence in the actual sunshine world only to be relieved when the "real" people should rest due to exhaustion and/or boredom. This is what I found disturbing.
How long until human fantasies become realities? I'm not referring to deep space exploration and genetic manipulation - those are technological possibilities. I mean how long before the laud of life and liberty are lost, and we embrace the cocoon of the machine?
-Kyle Warren