"If we accept the evolutionist' teachings on dinosaurs, then we must accept that the Bible's account of history is false. If the Bible is wrong in this area, then it is not the Word of God and we can ignore everything else it says that we find inconvenient."
- The Revised and Expanded Answers Book: The 20 Most-Asked Questions About Creation, Evolution, & the Book of Genesis Answered
What happened to faith? If the Bible could or should be taken literally and is an irrefutable, absolute truth then faith does not exist. Without adversity and contrary fact we are left only with truth. Truth cannot be believed in, it simply is.
I have faith that God has a plan and that we are all working toward His goals (with or without our knowledge). I don't need to see the truth because my faith overcomes all doubt. Truth would only be necessary if I did not have faith.
My second problem here is that if the Bible is the end-all and has all the answers we need (can you see the obvious problem here?) we don't need God anymore.
God has left instructions for those influenced by Christian heritage. Could not He have left instructions for others (i.e. Muslims, Buddhists, Extraterrestrials)? Furthermore, could not those instructions be different, even contradictory, in order to develop His creation(s) into something of which we are too minuscule to comprehend?
My question is still: if you believe that the Bible is infallible and all-encompassing is your faith really in God/Jesus or in the Bible? If you did not have a Bible to dictate your beliefs would you believe? If you did not have a Bible to dictate you actions, would you be righteous or immoral? If you did not have a Bible to dictate your thoughts, would you think?
BTW - I am not arguing that the Bible is not useful or good. The argument is whether truth is required for faith to exist.