Thursday, March 11, 2010

Car Bombings

On a recent post from a college friend it was mentioned that the car bombings in Iraq are somehow related to Islam being prone to violence. I want to state that if another nation invaded my country I would go terrorist on their asses too. Regardless of whether my country is wrong or the other country was more powerful or whatever. I love my country, and if someone were to threaten my home I would use violent force to help them reconsider - I mean VIOLENT force.

The nature of the suicidal bombing is related to the individuals sense of Jihad, and that is related to Islam. The reason the car bombings occur - this will blow your mind - is because WE INVADED THEIR COUNTRY!! WE INITIATED THE VIOLENCE!!

Bombings wouldn't be happening if they didn't feel threatened. How many Muslims are driving cars into buildings here in th US? Believe me there are many, many Muslims here. If Islam was the cause of car bombs we'd see more on this soil.

And think about this: if you were to go to a war zone wouldn't you expect to see violence? I mean really, it's called a "war zone." It's a designated area where people kill each other. Wouldn't it be odd to see people sitting around playing chess and sipping Coke in a war zone?

The fact is that ALL people become violent when they feel violence is the only solution to a problem. ALL people are peaceful when problems can be resolved peacefully. WOW!! Amazing concepts!! This is true of toddlers and adults, geniuses and the mentally challenged.

We've worked so hard in this country to eradicate prejudices and discrimination, but it seems that some groups just will not let go of old hatreds. It's really disheartening.

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree - this is what happens when a country with a relatively new world view invades an area that has a centuries old world view. We see it as aid (although how invading another country, killing their leaders, bombing their cities, and occupying their lands is aid, I'm not quite sure), but they see it as an invasion because they NEVER ASKED FOR HELP - imagine that.

    My father was stationed in Bahrain for several years, and now that he's back home, he has said numerous times that we did the wrong thing in bringing Saddam to "justice". His kind of leadership is really the only kind of leadership that the Middle East knows and understands. Democracy and individual freedoms and their concepts are totally lost on the Middle Eastern mind.

    And as for violent Muslims, Israel has one finger poised over their weapons of mass destruction and extremist Christians in America often bomb abortion clinics and gun down abortion doctors. Extremism is found in any religion.

    I don't think there can be a peaceful resolution, though. You don't stir up a hornet's nest, and then walk away when you regret it - because they won't let you. This is a problem we will be dealing with for a long time even if we do pull everyone out, I guarantee you that.

    ~Amy Wells
