I like it how this guy doesn't answer any questions. He just affirms that the question was asked and goes on. I have some questions/points I'd like to make.
2) Where are these Qurans coming from. If he's buying them that means the publishers will print even more to keep up with demand. Dumb!
3) While Mohammad was a violent war-chief in Medina his teachings while in Mecca were of peace, so if you claim that Islam is a brutal religion you must also claim that it is a peaceful religion as evidenced by the fact that only a couple million Muslims are violent brutes while the other hundreds of millions are normal, rational beings. Dumb!
If you want to subjectively analyze Christianity (or Judaism for that matter) you could just point to the Old Testament. The whole book is blood and guts. If the message of peace is ignored then Christianity can easily be portrayed as a radical, violent religion.
4) He says that Muslims are welcome but Islamic law is not. He may not be familiar with the Legislative branch of our fine American government. This video is probably on his educational level, so maybe it will clear things up:
5) "There are moderate Muslims, but there is no such thing as a moderate Islam." Is this like how a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is only sometimes a square?
6) If we don't stand up against Islam we're going to end up like Europe. Huh? What's wrong with Europe? Is the economic collapse of Greece the doing of Islam?
I don't know. I just don't understand how a Christian church can really believe they displaying the teachings of Jesus in a violent promulgation such as burning a sacred text. I do understand why: these people are ignorant rednecks that need something to destroy because they are too lazy or too dumb to create something beautiful. This points back to an earlier post about being armed to protect yourself against rednecks and zombies (they're sometimes confused - an easy mistake).
So there's my take on this Quran-burning crusade. What's your input?