Sunday, July 25, 2010

aciremA fo setatS detinU: a story of backwardsness

Once upon a time in a land not far away there lived a people that valued hard work, individuality, and giving the finger to everyone else, especially Europe. This people's "rugged individualism" erected a nation more powerful and prosperous than the universe had ever known. Outsiders were welcome to come and participate in the greatest experiment of all time. Common sense and justice ruled the day.

Over time the people lost their common sense. Maybe it was a side-effect of the experiment, or maybe it was the water. No one knows.

What is known is that common sense is the opposite of law, and when people can't use their common sense lawyers can be seen on the prowl.

Lawyers came popping up from everywhere. They seemed to sprout from the earth.

The lawyers, having no common sense, could not understand how to function in society, so they made laws to define what they could or could not do. This made sure that people with common sense were safe from those without it.

But then one day the lawyers realized that they could control everything with their rules. They could already dictate what kind of animals lived where and if a certain person could or could not grow any certain thing or exist at any certain location.

And then it happened! The lawyers decided that outsiders were not welcome anymore. You see outsiders are outside of the law, and lawyers cannot fathom what is beyond the law.

Something had to be done, so all the people in the land that lacked common sense got together to work out a solution. Some painted themselves blue or red to show support for their favorite lawyer. Some people ranted and cursed the outsiders. Some people were completely oblivious and kept watching American Idol.

The people with common sense are puzzled by the whole situation. They sit by wandering what all the fuss is about, waiting for the lawyers to define this thing that they can't define.

(to be continued)


  1. We need to build an army. It is the simple farmers all over the world that I recruit.

    I fight for Life, not death.

  2. So my question ladies and gentleman was does thing ring ,an army ring that I bought mean "I have power"! And the army? It's say, "SETATS DETINU"

    1. I have one of these rings to I bought without even knowing what it was...where do they make them? I bought it in some Arab jewelry store in queens
