Sunday, April 25, 2010

Busy Busy

I've been a busy, busy bumblebee.

Check out one of my projects:

While I'm working at home I have at least three things going at once, sometime more:
explorer - website design, adsense, amazon affilate, online email, misc. other marketing sites
chrome - streaming netflix, random interesting sites, website test, facebook
firefox - website test
open office writer - scripts for banners, articles
thunderbird - monitor four email accounts

You get the idea. Anyway, I started with the first episode of The X Files and thought back to the good old days when it was on the air. I think back about how watching TV even back then was a family thing which emphasizes the disconnect today: here I am doing all I'm doing while Tiff's doing what she's doing. I realized that I can't just watch a movie or just eat dinner.

Makes you wonder about way back, like in the 20's. What was it like then? It's no wonder that people seemed more intelligent or purposeful - they weren't pulled fifteen different ways. At the same time, however, your average office worker must have been retarded inefficient....

It makes you wonder whether we're on the right track as a species or if we took a wrong turn in Albuquerque.

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